Resilience is the ability to withstand, adapt and grow in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy and stress such as depression, family and relationship problems, bullying, death of a loved one. It is the ability to transcend despite all the odds. Resilience is not something that some people have and others simply don’t. Resilience is in all of us and can be learned and developed in anyone!
The Helix
The helix shape (or spiral) is a symbol of resilience and is found throughout nature. We find the helix in galaxies and weather patterns and in every living organism’s DNA. Sunflowers, vine tendrils, pine cones, ferns, the shells of nautilus and snails, seahorses, the horns of antelopes and sheep, even our fingerprints all have the helix as their underlying structure. The Fibonacci sequence is the mathematical underpinning behind the helical structure found in a variety of plants. Because of its stability and universality, the helix is foundational to sacred architecture throughout the world from Pre-columbian to Irish Neolithic Sites to churches and mosques. The helix has withstood the test of time, religion, biological and cultural influences.
In its very nature, the helix is the definition of resilience. When a plant root comes across a barrier during its growth, the root’s response is to find a way. It does so by twisting and turning into a helix, thereby conquering its former challenge and creating beauty and stability.
The Resilient Helix
Wellness for Tots to Tall People
The Resilient Helix symbolizes adaptability and perseverance, prospering through adversity. With the helix as our guide we can begin to trust within our very nature to become victors over our struggles. The Resilient Helix team is comprised of a psychiatrist and psychotherapists who are here to help develop resilience in individuals and families in all stages of life - for Tots to Tall People. Our team has an understanding and appreciation for development and life stages. Each of us work with toddlers and preschoolers, teens, and adults transitioning through developmental challenges. Together we join our individualized experiences in order to bring a more comprehensive face to mental health wellness.
Our Philosophy
The biopsychological models of attachment theories guide The Resilient Helix approach to individual and family well being. Creating anchored connections to ourselves and others is the most complex thing we humans do. Our earliest experiences of attunement and love actually build the necessary brain structures that determine how we relate to others lifelong. These neural structures encode unconscious, interpersonal templates that govern our experience of the world.
Attachment and interconnectedness are at the core of individual well being and that of a systemic functional wholeness. When early attachments are disrupted, our nervous system changes. The stressed nervous system creates “templates” that are based on fear, sadness or anger. New experiences and relationships come to be perceived through these fear based rules. This creates distress, impairs our ability to regulate our emotions, problem solve, develop healthy boundaries, and fulfilling relationships. These impermeable ways of relating to others hinder living wholeheartedly. The good news in all of this is that our brains are malleable. Our brains have the capacity to grow new neurons and form new neural wiring based on new attachment experiences. The Resilient Helix team uses neurobiologically informed treatment modalities that guide brain rewiring and create new ways of healing and flourishing.
We are a team of professionals coming together based on a shared philosophy of healing and wellness. Utilizing a service system that emphasizes trust, respect, and compassion, our goal is to create ease and fulfillment.
“Resilience is that ineffable quality that allows people to be knocked down by life and come back stronger than ever.”